COPHS Interprofessional Education
What is Interprofessional Education (IPE)?
Interprofessional education refers to occasions when students from two or more professions in health and social care learn together during all or part of their professional training to cultivate collaborative practice for providing patient-centered care.
Why is it Important?
The IPE program provides students in health professions a skill set that will ultimately increase patient safety, reduce errors, maximize efficiencies, and improve quality of care.
All nursing, pharmacy, and PA graduates to be able to collaborate across professions to provide safe, cost-effective, and efficient patient-centered care.
Our mission is to develop highly competent nurses, pharmacists, and PAs who embrace the importance of interprofessional collaboration in ensuring and improving population health and individual health outcomes.
Our objective is to develop IPE experiences throughout the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Doctor of Pharmacy, and Master of Physician Assistant Studies Curriculum to promote achievement of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) core competencies of:
- Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice
- Roles/Responsibilities
- Interprofessional Communication
- Teams and Teamwork
Incorporates IPE throughout the curriculum through courses, experiential education, and co-curricular activities. Butler University collaborates with medical and other health profession preparatory schools to allow students across disciplines the opportunity to work together and learn how each functions in a healthcare team.
Director of Interprofessional Education
Trish Devine, Pharm. D.
Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Phone: 317-940-9061
Office: PHSB203L